
1963 , Singapore

Ramli Nawee, also known as Ramlin, a Singaporean designer/ artist is known for his eclectic style that combines collage, digitalization, and mix media. His background as a creative director for international brands influences his work, which often includes social statements. A digital art pioneer, Ramlin has received accolades in various Art Awards. His works have been showcased at numerous international shows such as Asian Art Biennale and the Venice Art Biennale (UNESCO Personal Structures). The work submitted is his ongoing series of Empty Tin Cans. 

Artist Statement

"The artwork of an exploded Tin Can, a metaphor for the inner workings of the minds of Scammers, Cheaters and to some extent Politicians. This visual representation captures the clockwork scheming, chaos and complexity of their egos and desires, suggesting that their motivations are driven by self-interest rather than a genuine commitment to public service. It symbolizes the self-serving nature of their minds. The intricate, mechanical details within the Can represent the calculated and regimented approach, focused on personal gain. The piece highlights the disparity between their promises and actions, urging viewers to reflect on disillusionment and the need for accountability."

Empty Tin Can Series – The Belly Within #1
Mixed media
80 x 80 cm