Suriani Suratman
1959 , Singapore
Suriani Suratman, a cultural anthropologist, is Senior Lecturer at the Department of Malay Studies, National University of Singapore. She started her journey with pottery in 2001 at the Centre for the Arts, National University of Singapore under the tutorship of Master Potter Iskandar Jalil. She continued to study with Iskandar at his studio in Jalan Senyum from 2003 and at Jalan Bahar Clay Studios from 2005. She currently practices at Jalan Bahar Clay Studios where she also teaches ceramics.
Artist Statement
I enjoy transforming a lump of clay into various forms whether on the wheel or handbuilding. The coarseness of raku clay gives texture to the organic forms I create. It is important for me to always follow my intuition and be spontaneous. What I would like most is for people to be drawn to my works for their own reasons – perhaps it’s the glaze or the form, perhaps the work brings back a memory or it resonates with what they are feeling. Hopefully this will be a starting point for a conversation and a journey of reflection.
Fragile Earthscape is a contemplation of how fragile our Earth is. It’s calling us to care for our home and repair the damages that we have caused. It is a reminder that we are all connected and each one of us has the responsibility to maintain Earth’s delicate and fragile balance. Earth is what we all share and have in common. Fragile Earthscape series provides an opportunity to come together to reflect on ways of caring for Earth, share stories and experiences of how we saved water, avoided waste and protected our surroundings.