Dino Hafian

1980 , Singapore

Dino Hafian Ahmad is an art educator at a vocational school in Singapore, where he has inspired students for more than a decade. He believes in the power of art to shape their character to navigate their learning journey. Dino graduated with a Diploma in Fine Arts from the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in 2002. He has been a member of Angakatan Pelukis Aneka Daya (APAD) since 2002. Being in the association allows him to connect with other artists, learn from their experiences, and showcase his work alongside them in exhibitions.

Artist Statement

"Abstract Expressionist at heart, my artistic journey thrives on the uninhibited energy of Abstract Expressionism. I am drawn to the freedom of expression this movement offers, where the canvas becomes a platform for raw emotions and unfiltered thoughts. My creative process is often impulsive and intuitive, allowing the paint itself to guide me as much as I guide it. Through energetic gestures, gestural marks, and a dialogue between colour and form, I strive to evoke emotions and invite the viewer into a world of subjective interpretation."

Mixed media on poster paper
25 x 40 cm
My Lady
Mixed media on poster paper
25 x 40 cm
Begini Jadinya (This is How It Is)
Acrylic, marker and image transfer on canvas
50 x 70 cm
Macam Ni (Like This)
Acrylic, marker and image transfer on canvas
50 x 70 cm